a) RAI – Phonograms – Dubbing and Broadcasting (Articles 72 and 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to Radio/TV minutes-usage reports provided by RAI
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
b) RTI – Phonograms – Dubbing and Broadcasting (Articles 72 and 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to TV minutes-usage reports provided by RTI
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
c) RAI – Musical base/Playback – Broadcasting (Art. 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to RAI usage reports
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
d) RTI – Musical base/Playback – Broadcasting (Art. 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to RTI usage reports
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
e) RAI – Videograms – Broadcasting (Art. 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to RAI usage reports
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
f) RTI – Videograms – Broadcasting (Art. 73 law 633/1941)
Rights revenues are allocated and distributed analytically according to RTI usage reports
A.F.I. Fee: 10% of revenues
(*) Management of rights revenues relating to past exploitation periods which go back more than 3 years compared to ordinary distributions A.F.I. additional Fee: 10%